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Hispanic Heritage Month: How a local tortilla factory brought fresh tortillas to Corpus Christi in the 1980's

There was a time where only a few local restaurants made homemade tortillas. Now, there are several businesses that sell fresh tortillas on a daily basis.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A Spanish version of this story is available below. 

Tortillas are a staple in Hispanic culture and can be found just about everywhere today. But there was a time in Corpus Christi where only a few restaurants cooked homemade tortillas.

For nearly 40 years, the owner of Marroquin Restaurant and Tortilla Factory Jesus Marroquin was a pioneer of making homemade tortillas in the Corpus Christi area. Marroquin said in the 1980's it was difficult to buy fresh tortillas until he began making them.

"Well, no one sold warm tortillas here in Corpus until I came, and I began to sell warm tortillas with recently cooked barbacoa," Marroquin said.

Employees at the restaurant begin preparing corn and flour tortillas early in the morning starting at 6 a.m. on weekdays and 5 a.m. on weekends. Marroquin said the tortillas are cooked fresh every single day without any chemicals or preservatives.

"The tortilla that I sell is tortilla that is eaten daily because it's fresh. I sell them fresh, and people eat them. They don't have chemicals that makes them last one or two months," Marroquin said.
Conny Rodriquez and her husband are the owners of La Mexicana Bakery and Tortilla Factory which sells flour tortillas on a daily basis.

 "It's delicious. It doesn't have preservatives and that's what the people like the most," Rodriquez said. 

Rodriquez said she is proud to offer the community an important part of her Hispanic culture with tortillas.

'It is important to not lose this tradition. Logically we won't lose it because we are so use to eating our favorite dishes with tortillas," Rodriquez said.

Marroquin has helped several people begin their own business over the years. He is proud to see them become successful.

"I have taught a lot of people here at my business. I've taught them what I know so they can open their own business in another town," Marroquin said.


Las tortillas son un importante parte de la cultura hispana y ahora se pueden encontrar en casi todas partes. Pero hubo un tiempo en Corpus Christi en el que algunos restaurantes cocinaban tortillas caseras.

Durante 40 años, el dueño del Restaurante Marroquin y Fábrica de Tortillas, Jesús Marroquin, fue pionero en haciendo tortillas caseras en el área de Corpus Christi. Marroquin dijo que en la década de 1980 era difícil comprar tortillas frescas hasta que empezó a hacerlas.

"Pues nadien vendía tortilla caliente aquí en Corpus cuando yo llegue me tiendes," Marroquin dijo. "Y yo expense a vender la tortillas caliente con la barbacoa recente salía."

Los empleados del restaurante comienzan a preparar tortillas de maíz y harina temprano en la mañana, a partir de las 6 a. m. de lunes a viernes y a las 5 a. m. los fines de semana. Marroquin dijo que las tortillas se cocinan frescas todos los días sin químicos ni conservantes.

"La tortilla que yo viendo es tortilla para comer diario. Porque la tortilla es caliente," Marroquin dijo. "Yo la vendo caliente y la gente se la comen. No tiene químicos para dura un mes or dos meses."

Conny Rodríguez y su esposo son los dueños de La Mexicana Bakery and Tortilla Factory. Ella dice que venden tortillas de harina a diario.

"Esta rica, no tiene conservantes. Que es lo que le gusta mucho a la gente, " Rodriquez dijo.

Rodríguez dijo que está orgullosa de ofrecer a la comunidad una parte importante de su cultura hispana con las tortillas.

"Es importante para que no se pierde la tradition, lógicamente pues no la vamos a perder porque estamos a constumbrados con nuestra comida favorita de consume el tortilla,¨ Rodriquez said. 

Marroquin ha ayudado a varias personas a iniciar su propio negocio a lo largo de los años. Está orgulloso de verlos tener éxito.

"Este yo e eñsando a mucha gente de aqui de mí negeico. Le e pisando lo que yo se para que abran otro negocio en otro pueblo,¨Marroquin dijo.

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