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Local plumbers warn against Thanksgiving drainage issues

The Friday after Thanksgiving, dubbed 'Brown Friday,' is notoriously one of the busiest days of the year for plumbers.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Thursday was the meal, but Friday is the busiest day of the year for plumbers.

Experts have said that they are expecting to respond to various problems following Thanksgiving Day, from grease going down the drain and stuffed garbage disposals to extra guests using the bathroom. 

One local plumber said these stoppages can be prevented by planning ahead and not pouring grease down the sink, not putting vegetable peels and eggs down the garbage disposal and running with water. 

"Look around your house, make sure there's nothing that should be taken care of prior to that company coming. So, plan now for your Christmas company and see if there are any plumbing repairs that can be done in advance," said Drum Plumbing and Backflow co-owner Amanda Drum. 

Plumbers ask not to use drain cleaning chemicals as they often work only to a limited degree and can cause dangerous back splash and injure plumbers as they attempt to snake clogged drains.

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